Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Announcements: Mark Your Calendar and Watch for a New Series!

As promised, I have two announcements for today:

First, if you live in the East Bay (SF Bay Area), I'd like to invite you to a Near to Nothing Pampered Chef cooking party and lunch!  We'll be making some of my favorite Near to Nothing recipes as well as one or two that have yet to be published.  My friend Briana will be on hand if you would like to purchase any of Pampered Chef's wonderful kitchen tools.  Please don't hesitate to come even if you don't want to buy anything--the main purpose of this get-together is to provide me more personal interaction with our readers.  Hopefully this will be just the first of many cooking parties.  It will be held at 11:00 on February 26.  If you are interested, please e-mail us at kitchendiaries[at]yahoo[dot]com for more information.

Second, I will be starting a new Saturday series this weekend.  My baby is now eating solid foods and I would like to share my baby food recipes.  We've decided to post these on Saturdays since they are applicable to a limited number of our readers and so as not to take away from our normal weekday posts.  Even if you do not have a baby, please take a look and pass our link on to friends and family who are trying to feed their babies healthily and inexpensively.

See you back here tomorrow for our normal Wednesday post!


StaceyN said...

Can't wait to hear your baby food recipes! I have always tried never to buy jar baby food (except for convenience on long trips or camping) and have tried to use what comes out of our garden as much as possible since I know what's in it. Our newest baby won't be eating food for quite a few months (he's still in the cooker for six more weeks!), but it's never too early to start putting up baby food. My big boys recently pulled about 40 gallons (NOT kidding) of the sweetest, crunchiest winter carrots out of our garden, so I'm sure many of those will be puréed and frozen in ice cube trays or pressure canned in 1/2 pint jars for the new little one. But one small baby can only eat so many puréed carrots, so bring on the recipes! Thanks for doing this. I'm sure it will be a blessing to many a mama.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I made Tyler's baby food for the most part, but could definitely use a refresher for baby #2 on the way!

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