
Friday, September 2, 2011


Today's recipe is one that is not well-known through the United States.  It is, however, very well-known in Binghamton, NY.  No, I'm not from Binghamton; and no, I've never even been there.  My husband, on the other hand, spent much of his life there.  Binghamton doesn't just like spiedies, they have an annual festival every year dedicated to spiedies!  For all you upstate New Yorkers who like spiedies, please keep in mind that I'm a Californian and we like to do things a little different.  Therefore, these spiedies probably can't be considered a true spiedie, but it's my take on spiedies, so please don't be offended by my alterations!

Wooden or metal skewers
1 lb chicken, cubed
1/2 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup vinegar
2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp onion salt
1/2 tsp garlic salt
1/2 tsp celery salt 
1/2 tsp ground pepper
1/2 tsp dried oregano
Green and red bell peppers, cut into shish kebab-sized pieces
Onions (brown and red), cut into shish kebab-sized pieces
Sandwich rolls (we use French rolls)

Combine oil, vinegar, Worcestershire, onion salt, garlic salt, celery salt, ground pepper, and oregano in a sealable container (I use one large enough in which to marinate the chicken).  Add chicken and toss to coat.  Cover and refrigerate overnight.

If using wooden skewers, soak them in water for 20 minutes before assembling spiedies (kabobs).

Preheat grill to medium.  Put chicken, bell peppers, and onions on skewers. 

Pour remaining marinade over the assembled spiedies; place on grill.  Turn them periodically until chicken is cooked through; remove from heat.

While skewers are grilling, toast rolls.  Once the skewers are done, place the contents of 2 skewers onto a roll and enjoy!  We occasionally like to put garlic herb mayonnaise on our spiedies for a little extra oomph!

Money saving tips: Wait until chicken is on sale for under $2/lb.  Where I live, boneless skinless chicken breasts often go on sale for $1.70/lb or less (and Sam's Club typically has the frozen breasts for ~$1.86/lb if there's a lull in good sales).  When it goes on sale, I stock up.  Also, right now bell peppers on sale pretty cheap at several stores in my area, which means the bread is the most expensive part of the meal!  I have found that buying sandwich rolls in bulk from the bakery section is usually cheaper than buying the brand-name pre-packaged bread.

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